indian cinema heritage foundation

Alladin Ka Chiragh (1957)

  • Release Date1957
  • GenreFantasy
  • FormatB-W
  • LanguageHindi
  • Length12339 meters
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number22560
  • Certificate Date17-02-1958
  • Shooting LocationGolden Films (P. Ltd.) Studio, Madras

Magician Jaffar's friend Yakub told him that in a cave at the top of the KarkoraMountains, was a Wonderful Lamp, which had powers to fulfill any desire of its possessor. But, this Lamp could be taken from there only by a boy who had seven moles on his right hand, came from a poor family, and was deprived of fatherly affections. By the help of a magic mirror the magician found out that such a boy was Alladin. Jaffar made Yakub dumb, so that he be unable to tell the secret of the Wonderful Lamp to any body else.

Jaffar managed to take Alladin along with him upto the cave of the Karkora Mountains, when Alladin wanted to come out of the cave with the lamp, the magician wished to take the lamp from him, and shut him in the cave. Alladin persisted to be taken out first. In anger Jaffar shut him in the cave.

Alladin managed to release himself. Back home, he threw the Lamp away. Dust covered the Lamp, and years passed by. The Lamp was forgotten. Alladin grew to be handsome young man.

Princess Yasmin was to pass through the city roads, and the law forbade any person to remain on the road on such occasions. The Princess was very beautiful. To have a glimpse of the Princess, Alladin overthrew the Princess' palanquin. King punished him severely.

Love is blind. Alladin decided to marry the Princess. Mother tried to make him understand but in vain. Some dacoits wanted to kidnap the Princess and her maids. Alladin saved her life at the risk of his own. This was the beginning of their love.

Like love, motherhood also becomes blind sometimes. Mother presented herself in the Royal court and requested to have Princess as her daughter-in-law She was painfully disappointed.

The King consented marriage of Yasmin with Wazir's son Syed, whom the Princess hated. One one hand the Princess was heart-broken, on the other Alladin. Storm within the hearts caused a real storm. The wonderful Lamp which  remained buried under the earth for years, came to sight again. Mother wanted to clean it. As she rubbed the Lamp, a Gennie appeared. This Gennie, the slave of the Wonderful Lamp fulfilled all desires of Alladin, Alladin was married to the Princess.

Jaffar found that Alladin was alive. He determined to take revenge. What happens next, please see on the Screen.

