indian cinema heritage foundation

Izzat Aabroo (1989)

  • Release Date1989
  • GenreDrama
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time133 min
  • Length3835.37 metres
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate Number1316
  • Certificate Date14/12/1989
  • Shooting LocationEsel Outdoor Location, Chandivali Outdoor Location, Jugal Farm, Filmistan, Prasad STudio, Satheya Studio

Passion!..... Passion to multiply riches stretches ends beyond means. Acquisition of wealth kindles the passion for fame. Fame enflames the passion for paramours. But all this is done under the cloak of respectability. Passion ties eyes so that the offspring of others remains alienated till life hits one's own fountainhead.

The kill of these killers sometimes so hits back that the cord tied to their eyes is smashed to smithereens. Respectability is doomed. Delicate bud sprouts into a virus that vituperates the embroidered cloak and naked truth is unmasked.

A queer clash in a beautiful bud an a monstrous passion is IZZAT AABROO !


[From the official pres booklet]

