indian cinema heritage foundation

Paap Ko Jalaa Kar Raakh Kar Doonga (1988)

  • Release Date1988
  • GenreAction
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time153 mins
  • Length4675.01
  • Number of Reels17
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU/A
  • Censor Certificate NumberB-220
  • Certificate Date14/09/1988
  • Shooting LocationAnnapoorna Studios, Film City, Filmistan Studios, Karpagam Studios, Saradhi Studios, Seth Studios

Jalaa Kar Raakh Kar Doonga is the story of SHANKAR, who roams jobless like loafers. Shanker's Elder Brother Vijay Saxena who is a honest Chief Engineer make some Anti-social elements their enemies by not passing their illegal and unreasonable bills. Deepak a Gold Medalist has no pull or approach except his blind mother's blessings. Deepak gets the job in Vijay's office due to his handwork and self confidence. Deepak loves Pooja who is the daughter of Vinay. All Anti-Social elements join hands and get the signatures of Vinay on their bill and got the payments from the Govt. Poor Deepak was accused for this episode and Vinay resigned. A bad element Tejinder got killed by Deepak in the struggle of saving him and finding the truth Deepak is caught red handed. Pooja faints after hearing the news of Deepak's arrest. The Doctor tells that Pooja is pregnant. Vinay wants to kill her but Shanker saves her and Pooja reveals the name of Deepak as the father of the child. Shanker got Deepak released on Bail. Vinay is arrested on the charges of passing false bills. Shanker performed the marriage of Deepak and Pooja in the absence of Vinay. Deepak pleads in front of his Father-in-Law to prove him innocent. The villains attack Deepak. Deepak takes promise from Shanker to hide his death news, meanwhile Pooja delivers a baby Girl.

From here starts the emotional episode that how Shanker hides his tears on happy occasions, but his is not enough. The villains kidnapped Pooja on KARVACHOT day and revealed the death of Deepak her husband. They presented a white saree and raped her. Pooja hands over the girl to Shanker and commits suicide. Shanker swears to destroy all elements responsible for her death in front of Pooja's CREMATION.

How Shanker destroys the Kingdom of Evils?
Could Deepak prove the innocence of Vinay?
Why Shanker use to roams like Loafers?

To find the answers see JALAA KAR RAAKH DOONGA. 

(From the official press booklet)

[The original title of this film was Jalaakar Raakh Kar Doonga, when completed the censor board objected to the title then "Paap Ko......." was added.  (Source:]

