indian cinema heritage foundation

Anokha Pyar (1948)

  • Release Date21/05/1948
  • GenreRomance
  • FormatB-W
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time127 mins
  • Censor RatingU
  • Shooting LocationFamous Cine Labs & Studios Limited

The phases of our life are governed by circumstances. You and I feel these circumstances every day, every hour, every minute, and every second, so much so that they rule the strings of our feelings, sentiments, and actions. We simply cannot avoid them.

Bindiya, the innocent, simple, active yet charming young girl used to stay in a hut and maintained her living by selling flowers. She used to pluck her flowers from the garden created by Nature on the bank of the rippling river. It was adorned by the ruins of an ancient palace. The scantly shadows designed by the sunbeams on the cracked floor of the palace and the reflections of the crystal clear water on the broken walls bounded by the luxuriant growth of the flowers made it an ideal spot. Ashok, a young dreamer, a thinker, and a writer selected this secluded spot to inspire him to write a novel. Bindiya, thinking his handsome youth as her customer, approached him and asked him in her childlike voice, 'Babu, wouldn't you buy the flowers from me?' Ashok looked at her and said, 'No.' Bindiya told him that she could not find any customer to buy her flowers on that day. Ashok felt his pockets. They were almost empty. He had hardly a two anna piece in it. He placed it in her shapely hands. Bindiya threw away the piece and said, "What do you think I am?" Ashok admired her. He smiled and took from her a glowing bud of a rose. She thought he was grand. She began to like him. Yes, then she began to love him.

In the meantime, Bindiya while returning home, met a tramp who used to take away her earnings. He began to harass her. She cried and shouted for help. Ashok heard her cry and ran to help her. A herculean fist of the tramp sent him reeling on the ground depriving him of his eyesight.

The circumstances sometimes behave with us very mathematically. Bindiya took him to the nearby doctor, who was a very kindhearted social worker. He admitted him to his small hospital-which was incidentally his home and began to treat him for his eye trouble. Ashok met Geeta the doctor's daughter, refined and cultured. Her chisel curved face and the graceful body impressed him as an angel of sublimity and beauty. In the absence of her father, she nursed his physique and soul. She sang a song that inspired Ashok to work on his novel.

The circumstances play the game of chess in man's life. Ashok thought of his weakness of economic condition and felt it too bad to visit Geeta. He resolved to meet her after getting sufficiently rich to stand with her family on the same level. He began to work on his novel vigorous spirit and enthusiasm.

He often met Bindiya while he was writing his novel on the river bank. He liked to talk to her and listened to her innocent, lovely, chirping voice. She imagined the world too beautiful. He liked her for her fancies and dreams. She loved him sincerely, truly. She thought he also loved her. Ashok loved Geeta, the paragon of beauty, culture, and learning.

Sometimes circumstances play the game of hide and seek with human beings. Once Bindiya and Geeta met at the river bank. They went sentimental over their 'boy'. Their emotions clashed. There was a mighty storm in their hearts. Ultimately, sublimity gave way to innocence.

But the fate calculated lives to be different. Ashok loved Geeta. He liked Bindiya but never loved her. But Geeta had given him up and had never shown a sign of remembering him. Once she very politely turned him out of her house. Ashok was flabbergasted, stunned. He couldn't read his future. It was all darkness.

The circumstances were playing with him. They were responsible for many tears and blood. They alone can determine the shape of the lives of Bindiya, Geeta, and Ashok. Let us watch them.

[from the official press booklet]



Films by the same director