indian cinema heritage foundation

College Girl (1960)

  • Release Date1960
  • FormatB-W
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time136 mins
  • Length4237.94 metres
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate NumberU-30001-MUM
  • Certificate Date06/06/1960
  • Shooting LocationMehboob, Kamal and Raman Studios,

In India girls from their very birth are taken for liability upon their parents; thus the mothers of the nation are looked down in their own houses.

Kamla represents such afflicted Indian girlhood. She is the daughter of Hakim Ram Pershad who is illiterate and has orthodox views about girls. She stands first in the Matriculation Examination and has an ardent desire for studying in college in order to become a doctor.

Hakim Ram Pershad is totally against college education for girls. It is his faith that any money spent on the sons alone is money well-spent money because they are sons and will stand by him in his..... age.

Kamla is determined not to bow before injustice but secure her rightful place in society. She makes an all-out bid to join college with the contrivance of Dr. Ratanlal, a close friend of her father. In college she comes across Shyam who helps her in many difficult situations.

How she faces the storm of opposition in achieving her goal and breaks the iron walls of orthodoxy - you will find the answer on the screen.

COLLEGE GIRL is the story of a teen-ager who craves for her recognition in society.

(From the official press booklet)

