indian cinema heritage foundation

Patthar Se Takkar (1980)

  • GenreAction, Crime, Thriller
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate NumberU-94923-MUM
  • Certificate Date15/09/1980
  • Shooting LocationEssel , Jyoti ,Rooptara Mehboob, Ranjeet, Famous

However honest and true one may be, life is still a continuous struggle against the forces of evil.

A guilty man not punished is a crime but an innocent man punished is a greater crime.

Bindra, a very rich young man, returns from a business tour of Africa, where he had gone to inspect the factories owned by him and his step-brother Jagjivandas.

He is shocked to find on his return that Pratapchand, an old and faithful servant since his father's time, is in a mad house convicted of murder and to be hanged but the hanging is postponed due his madness till he recovers sanity. 

To Bindra, this is unbelievable as from childhood he grew up with Pratap's family who treated him as one of their own, and he loved and respected Pratap as his brother.

Refusing to believe the charges against Pratap, he decides to find out the facts and vindicate Pratap as an honest and true man surrounded by the forces of evil. In these efforts, he meets Shyama who stayed in the same chawl as Shanti, the murdered girl who was pregnant at the time of murder, and in his efforts he is helped by Shyama.

(From the official press booklet)

