indian cinema heritage foundation

Chambal Ki Raani (1979)

  • Release Date1979
  • GenreAction
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time133 mins
  • Length3928.60 metres
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate Number4577
  • Certificate Date02/11/1979
  • Shooting LocationRoop Tara (Dadar), Essel Outdoor Location (Trombay)

Chameli, a dancing beauty, born into a prostitute family of Gwalior, became a hot favourite of all class of people, But she was not happy with her life as, the body of a pross, was having the soul of and Indian woman. Accidently Chameli fell in love with Manmohan Singh and they decided to get married. But the destiny had something else in store for her. Among her admirers, there were two notorious dacoits of Chambal, Lakhan Singh and Ajmer Singh. Both were friends and leading the same gang, but both had an eye on Chameli. Ajmer Singh went a step further and took away Chameli, just like a loot and crushed the blooming flower carreing little about her sentiments. Her sweet dreams were shattered and so shattered the friendship and dacoit band of Lakhan and Ajmer. Poor and helpless Chameli had no option but to go shed tears on her fate. Her tears aroused kindness in Ajmer's heart and he sent her back to Gwalior. But her destiny................Atrocities of Inspector Kabul Singh and trecherous behaviour of Seth Girdhari turned her back again to Ajmer Singh. Her heart was burning with desire of revenge and this turned the dancing beauty into a dacoit: THE CHAMBAL QUEEN.

How could Law and order tolerate it the responsibility to arrest her was entrusted up on Manmohan, who was now a Police Inspector

Did a lover arrest his beloved?
Was she able to take revenge?
What was the end of Lakhan and Ajmer?
Who won, In the conflict of Love and Duty?

The only answer is CHAMBAL KI RAANI.

[from the official press booklet]

