indian cinema heritage foundation

Elaan E Jung (1989)

  • Release Date1989
  • GenreAction, Drama
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time154 min
  • Length4905.64 meters
  • Number of Reels19
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate NumberA-1268-MUM
  • Certificate Date01/08/1989
  • Shooting LocationFilm City, Filmistan, Chandivali, Kamalistan, Jaipur, Srinagar

‘Elaan-E-Jung’, epic tale of those patriots, who live by the sword to eliminate those evil elements who kill by the sword. It is a story of the brave youth Arjun, who will die for his country - he has his father’s martyrdom and mother’s eternal love in his blood.

But the manmade law will never permit him to do his duty. In the process, he becomes an outlaw – a law unto himself, to destroy evil and fight injustice. He is guided in his mission by his mother, who steers him to protect the poor, and the hapless from the blood-thirsty tyrants who are out to displace the country.

Arjun, in effect, declares war on one such perpetrator of evil – Durjan Narayan and his sidekicks. He proclaims to avenge the blood. The mutilated modesty and torture sparked off by Durjan Narayan and his gang.

Arjun is assisted in his mission by his rock-like determined finance’, light hearted-friend Bheema and others who complement the law of the land and begin a tirade against Durjan Narayan and his cronies, which culminate in an earth-shaking, mind-blowing explosive climax, which is seen to be believed.

After seeing ‘Elaan-E-Jung’, you will believe that the world which is compressed with deep-rooted evil can be cleaned if only we have amongst us, a team of spirited, patriotic youngsters, who can sow the seed of a new tomorrow – a blissful future, devoid of corruption, harassment, exploitation, subjugation-and torture.

[from the official booklet]

